I've just done a post over on my blog about making a dress form out of duct tape (read it here.)
There's a few things I thought I'd add about it here specifically as a larger size issue.
I absolutely love the idea of having a dress form. I think one of the things that really lets plus size clothes down is poor fit and for getting this right, shape is absolutely critical. And of course, buying a plus size dress form is virtually impossible.
Making my own, as I detailed on the blog, was a trying experience and I am sure a significant part of this was a size issue. The relative strength and structure of the form just isn't as suitable to a larger size, and when you upsize everything in the process, it all takes longer and has more room for error. I think too, bigger often means more wobbly, so it is really hard to acurately capture your size and shape - too tight distorts, too lose makes it too big.
But if I can I think I'll give it another go. I'll get LOADS of tape and do at least 4 layers I think (maybe more in some bits), and make sure it comes right down over my butt.
I'd love to hear anything else from anyone about dress forms - duct tape or otherwise. Maybe we could organise a duct tape party and get a thing going...
Hi Sooz:
I made a dress form out of gummed brown tape. I took a "class" from a Canadian pattern designer, Jan Bone, in September. The paper holds up and does not loose its shape as duct tape can, so I am told. The brown paper is like watercolor tape, which you could get at any art supply store. I will get a photo and post it soon.
I've had a few ideas about how to make the duct-tape form more structurally sound, including using a type of tape with no stretch. My latest thought is to cut out some basic shapes in some kind of medium-weight plastic (like laminating plastic) to provide for stiffness versus deformation. Basically, I'd run a strip of this plastic down the spine and another down between the breasts from the neckline to the crotch (need a long tee!), then do strips in rings around a few key spots: around the upper arms, under the breasts, around the waist, and around the widest part of the hips. That should keep deformation to a minimum.
I've been giving this some thought and I was wondering whether a plaster model could be made (using the crepe strips dipped in plaster and dried - used to form plaster casts in the old days). I know that it can be used by artists as the basis for a solid form.
You did well with the tape - it's a difficult medium to work with. I've also wondered about a plaster form. Some years ago you could buy kits to record the baby "bump" in plaster - wonder if they still sell them?
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