My accessory of choice for many years has been the handbag. I have a different bag for every occasion and then some. They are a statement about my style, a ‘look at me’ piece, something that helps me to stand apart from the crowd (or at least that’s how it feels in my head).
I could never understand those women who had one bag, just one bag everyday, all day, all year. One of my girlfriends simply buys the same bag over and over as each gets worn out – she’s like that with shoes too…go figure!
It is tricky changing bags constantly, but I have staples that stay in each bag (lip balm, tampons, panadol & bandaids), so all I’m really swapping over is purse, sunnies, diary, phone, keys and lippy. Easy!
Because I get bored quickly I try never to pay too much for my bags, my motto is always ‘why pay $150+ for one bag when the same spend could get you five?’
It’s all changed a bit recently tho; as currently I seem to be using only 2-3 bags with very little/no rotation.
My weekday/work bag is the funky, yet functional Crumpler Barney Rustle Blanket Bag – this goes with me everyday on PT (public transport) and carries all my weekday stuff (if I’m carrying too much stuff then the overflow is carried in my Cotton On Kids Owl enviro bag). On weekends I can be spotted with my multi-coloured stripy bag.
AND I’ve lost the need to buy new bags. In fact I don’t even look at bags when I shop now…unheard of 6 months ago!. Not sure why this has come about really, just call it a faze I’m sure I’ll snap out of it soon.
So, do you bag…lady?
I am a reformed (almost) bagaholic. Like you I've never paid huge amounts for a single bag and have never even bought a real leather bag that will last forever because I mean- geez- who wants a bag that lasts FOREVER?!?!?
I'm the one who wants a bag that lasts forever! I recently had to purchase a new top grain leather bag after my handbag strap finally gave out after 15 years of everyday use. I love never changing bags, but then I don't carry around much - phone, wallet, some folding money, lip balm - that's about it. The new bag is the Fossil Traveler and I expect it to last at least 15 years too. So let's figure it up. I gave $60.00 for my previous bag and got 15 years use out of it. At just one bag per year, that's only $4.00 per bag. Cheap depends on how you figure it up. Then again, I'm the daughter of a handbag-holic, so maybe that's way I gravitate to one bag as needed.
I have had a bag addiction since childhood and although it has moderated somewhat with age [I stopped buying travel bags when I found the perfect bag -- 18 years ago, yowza] but I still love them. For me it is different styles for different needs rather than adornment so much. I like handsfree so backpacks are still part of my repertoire. I'd probably have more messenger bags but rarely can find straps that will fit across my body. I've recently discovered the joys of tote bags [finding ones that don't slip off my shoulder has been key]. I also like everything in my bag to be contained so I have bags in bags in bags. Then I started knitting so I needed bags to contain that. I have declared 2009 to be the year of no purchased bags [thinking that I can knit one if must have] so wish me luck!
I am more a serial monogamist than a bag slut. I search and find the perfect bag, use it for a year or two and then move on. I place a high importance on function and so started making my own bags so I could get the strap length, size and pocket configuration exactly how I like. I used to favour leather all the way but now prefer to showcase gorgeous fabric. Also leather is much harder to sew! I have heaps of tote and project bags partly because I like to use them and partly because I love to make them.
I read an article in the style section of the newspaper a few months ago with interviews with 8 or so women picked randomly off the street to talk about their bags. I was gobsmacked that they had all spent multi hundreds of dollars -some in the thousands! - and the cheapest was a second hand D&G for $150. My crumpler was the most expensive bag I have ever bought at a bit over $100. When I make a bag now it usually costs me around $30 in materials to make really full on proper handbag with hand printed fabric.
I am more a serial monogamist than a bag slut. I search and find the perfect bag, use it for a year or two and then move on. I place a high importance on function and so started making my own bags so I could get the strap length, size and pocket configuration exactly how I like. I used to favour leather all the way but now prefer to showcase gorgeous fabric. Also leather is much harder to sew! I have heaps of tote and project bags partly because I like to use them and partly because I love to make them.
I read an article in the style section of the newspaper a few months ago with interviews with 8 or so women picked randomly off the street to talk about their bags. I was gobsmacked that they had all spent multi hundreds of dollars -some in the thousands! - and the cheapest was a second hand D&G for $150. My crumpler was the most expensive bag I have ever bought at a bit over $100. When I make a bag now it usually costs me around $30 in materials to make really full on proper handbag with hand printed fabric.
Have you seen the Porta Pockets Purse Inserts at
They might be your answer to sorting the contents inside your many bags.
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